Elton John di J.M.Escrihuela
1986 - 251 pagine
His Song - Elizabeth Rosenthal
Billboard Books - USA 2001 - 544 pagine |
The Life And Music Of A Legendary Performer
Michael Heatley
CLB Pub -UK 1998 - 138 pagine |
His Own Word - Tony Jasper
Omnibus Press - UK 1992 - 112 pagine |
Elton John - By Gerald Newman e
Joe Bivona |
Elton John - Dick Tatham e Tony Jasper
UK - Octopus Books Ltd. 1976 |
Elton John - Cathi Stein
UK - Popular
Library 1975 |
Flower Fantasies - Caroline Cass
Weidenfeld Nicolson Illustrated UK 1997 - 144 pagine |