Steve Holley

Holley è il batterista utilizzato nell'album A Single Man del
1978. Aveva appena fondato un gruppo formato da session men,
chiamato Vapour Trails, che suonavano anche come supporter di Kiki Dee,
e questo fu l'aggancio che lo portò a suonare nel singolo Ego e
nel successivo 'album di Elton John. Holley rifiutò
però di entrare nel gruppo di Elton poichè aveva
già ricevuto la proposta di diventare il batterista degli Wings,
il gruppo di Paul McCartney, con i quali lavorò per tre anni.
had asked me to join his band permanently, and at the same time I was asked to
join McCartney" says Steve. "It was a difficult decision. Elton was
enormous at that time. He was probably the biggest act there was at that point.
He was such a nice guy, and he made me feel so welcome, so comfortable, that I
think that enabled me to work with McCartney. Elton helped me get over the
nervousness. Just meeting Paul was terrifying.
would have loved to stay with Elton", continues Steve, "but I had made
the record, and how many times in my life am I going to get the opportunity to
work with McCartney? So I made the decision to work with Wings and I did for
almost three years". Steve Holley