Rufus Wainwright


Rufus in his own words

You have to work like shit to be happy.
You're not going to get it through your career, money, or even love of another person.
It's between you and yourself.
A lot of my young male contemporaries have died.
Whether it's Jeff Buckley, Kurt Cobain, or recently Elliott Smith, those were all such losses.
But in a weird way, I feel that you can hear the sadness in their music.
When Jeff died, I wasn't that surprised.
With my music, it is important for me to have hope and some kind of silver lining. I believe that music is essentially prophetic and that it really directs my life
There's no life without humour. It can make the wonderful moments of life truly glorious, and it can make tragic moments bearable
I wanted to be a classical composer and got heavily into opera. But, I hadn't realized music school would be so technical and I got bored. I learned a lot of things, but I didn't want to be another cookie-cutter perfect pianist.
It was very homogenous with everyone learning the same thing. I began writing songs to take the edge off and playing out to get a little attention. 
What's gotten me through life is great art, beauty, and depth in life.
I found that there are certain people in the gay world who are afraid to feel and afraid to not think about sex all the time. There's so much that needs to be talked about.
There are sections of today's gay world that I don't relate to. My thing with queer stuff is that I'm a believer in integrating queer and straight culture.
I do feel that one of the reasons I'm attracted to straight men is that they're also very attracted to gay men. I think that gay men and straight men really need each other. There's a lot that they can learn from each other.
I usually wake up around three and sit at the piano completely naked and play for two or three hours. That gets the juices flowing. Then I dress and go eat after starving myself. I wait until I'm completely delirious
More than anything I'd like to end hypocrisy. I hate hypocrisy, of all sorts. I hate people who are rich and pretend to be generous and I hate people who are poor and pretend to be rich.
So put up your fists and I'll put up mine
No running away from the scene of the crime
God's chosen a place
Somewhere near the end of the world
Somewhere near the end of our lives
(dinner at eight)
Why am I always on a plane or a fast train
Oh what a world my parents gave me
Travelin' but not in love

Still I think I'm doin' fine
Wouldn't it be a lovely headline
Life is
Beautiful on a New York Times
(oh what a world) 

"Mi ha detto: 'Vaffanculo la carriera, vaffanculo l'album, vaffanculo i servizi fotografici, prima di tutto devi prenderti cura di te stesso'".



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